Daily Essentials
Hermit Crab Food
$3.99 – $12.99
Our DAILY ESSENTIAL Hermit Crab Food Mix is made from our proprietary blend of micronized greensand, kelp, chlorella, spirulina, oyster shells, and worm castings. It is 100% Natural and contains no additives, dilutions, pesticides, or preservatives. We recommend having this ESSENTIAL hermit crab food mix available to your crabs 24/7.
See the full product description below.
Available in 1-ounce, 2-ounce, and 4-ounce volume containers.
Our DAILY ESSENTIAL Hermit Crab Food Mix is made from our proprietary blend of micronized greensand, kelp, chlorella, spirulina, oyster shells, and worm castings. It is 100% Natural and contains no additives, dilutions, pesticides, or preservatives. We recommend having this ESSENTIAL hermit crab food mix available to your crabs 24/7.
See the full product description below.
* MICRONIZED GREENSAND is an excellent source of potassium, iron, and magnesium. It contains marine potash, silica, iron oxide, magnesia, lime, phosphoric acid, and approx—30 other trace minerals.
* MICRONIZED OYSTER SHELL is in fine powder form for ease of eating/digestion and absorption. It is an excellent source of calcium for your molting hermit crab’s exoskeleton.
* ORGANIC SUPER GREENS (Kelp, Chlorella and Spirulina) in a fine powder form for ease of eating/digestion and absorption. It is an excellent source of blue-green sea algae packed with vitamins and minerals and one of the first life forms on the Earth. It’s the founder of photosynthesis, a very pure food loaded with good vitamins for land hermit crabs.
* WORM CASTINGS aka “worm poop” is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms. They are sourced from earthworms that are fed an organic, plant-based diet. It contains minerals, carotenoids, zeaxanthin, and cellulose.
Sizes are available in a 1, 2 or 4-ounce volume containers with a convenient hinged lid.
* Supplementing your hermit crab’s diet with fresh foods (that are researched as safe from reliable sources) and contain at least 50 percent protein is also essential.
Safe for: Hermit Crabs and Isopods