Complete Hermit Crab Food BUNDLE – (8) SAFE Hermit Crab Food Mixes


(8) SAFE Hermit Crab Food Mixes

All HappyCrabby foods are Organic, non-GMO, and Unsulfured, with No Sugar, Preservatives, or Pesticides. The included dehydrated and freeze-dried foods cover all the food pyramid categories required for optimal nutrition!

Read the full details below.


(8) SAFE Hermit Crab Food Mixes

All HappyCrabby foods are Organic, Non-GMO, Unsulfured, with No Sugar, Preservatives or Pesticides. The included dehydrated and freeze-dried foods cover all the food pyramid categories required for optimal nutrition, including: Calcium, Carbohydrates, Carotenoids, Chitin, Omega Fats, Proteins and Lipids, with Greensand and Worm Castings. Our foods are made in small batches using only top-of-the-line ingredients to ensure maximum nutrition and safety for Hermit Crabs and Isopods.

* Be sure to supplement their diet with FRESH FOODS that are researched as SAFE from reliable sources.

Use the included spoon to serve a small portion of food each day. Hermit crabs only need a small amount at a time. Rotate the menu for meal variety. For a long shelf life, store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

BEAN BOOZLE: Green Split Peas, Yellow-Eye Beans, Garbanzo Beans, Kidney Beans, Black Beans, Cranberry Beans, Northern Beans, Lentils, Small Red Beans, Cranberry Beans, Lima Beans, Navy Beans. Pink Beans, White Kidney Beans
DAILY ESSENTIALS: Worm Castings, Greensand, Oyster Shell Powder, Kelp, Chlorella, Spirulina
GREEN MACHINE: Butterfly Pea Flowers, Red Clover Tops, Rose Petals, Marigold (calendula) Petals, Chamomile, Kelp, Bee Pollen
LAND & SEA: Mealworms, River Shrimp, Black Soldier Fly Larvae, Crickets, Minnows, Tubifex Worm Siftings, Plankton Siftings, Red Shrimp Siftings, Bloodworm Siftings, Lobster Shell, Crab Shell
MOLT RECOVERY: Dehydrated Egg Powder, Micronized Egg Shells, Bee Pollen, Ground Flax Seeds
SEEDY MOTEL: Amaranth, Pumpkin Seeds, Rye, Wheat Bran, Barley, Buckwheat Groats, Brown Flax, Millet, Rolled Oats, Brown Sesame, Sunflower Seeds
TOOTY FRUITY: Currants, Bananas, Peaches, Apricots, Dates, Cranberries, Pears, Coconut, Apples, Raisins, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Walnuts, Peanuts, Pecans
VEGGIN’ OUT: Bell Peppers, Carrots, Celery, Cabbage, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Broccoli

Available in 1, 2 and 4 ounce volume containers