Land & Sea
Hermit Crab Food


Land & Sea (Animal Protein Mix) has essential proteins, calcium and healthy fats for your hermit crab, plus the ability to enhance your hermit crab’s coloring. Lobster and crab shell, along with shrimp, worms, plankton, minnows, and crickets are very beneficial for hermit crabs! 🦀🦞🍤🪱 These foods provide a natural source of protein and essential nutrients that support their growth and overall health. Your hermit crabs will enjoy the variety and nutritional benefits of these tasty treats!

ALL of our foods are Hermit Crab and Isopod SAFE, ORGANIC, UNSULFURED, & PESTICIDE FREE, so your Hermit Crabs is provided the best quality dried food available.

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LAND & SEA – Hermit Crab Food Mix

– Mealworms
– River Shrimp
– Black Soldier Fly Larvae
– Crickets
– Minnows
– Tubifex Worm Siftings
– Plankton Siftings
– Red Shrimp Siftings
– Bloodworm Siftings
– Lobster Shell
– Crab Shell

Land & Sea (Animal Protein Mix) has essential proteins, calcium and healthy fats for your hermit crab, plus the ability to enhance your hermit crab’s coloring. Lobster and crab shell, along with shrimp, worms, plankton, minnows, and crickets are very beneficial for hermit crabs! 🦀🦞🍤🪱 These foods provide a natural source of protein and essential nutrients that support their growth and overall health. Your hermit crabs will enjoy the variety and nutritional benefits of these tasty treats!

ALL of our foods are Hermit Crab and Isopod SAFE, ORGANIC, UNSULFURED, & PESTICIDE FREE, so your Hermit Crabs is provided the best quality dried food available.